Monday, 29 December 2008

Cold & Beautiful.

Ive been away trying to find some inner peace after weeks of, well, non-inner-peace.

I found it. And this is how it looks like.

I went to the sea.

The frosty sparkles
The moist air
The sound of waves flushing over stones
The smell of sand
The way my toes almost fell off after a very chic and non-suitable choice of footwear.

It was nice.

Where do you go to find some inner balance?



Anonymous said...

hmmm... i go for a walk by myself or i lock myself up in my room and read a book or listen to music or i take a hot bath... depends on my mood... but these things give me inner peace. =)

Ash Twinkle said...

oh i want a bath tub. Sleeping in the shower just isnt the same^^
Walks are good, i love them. Im gonna get a good book to read now, as walks are a bit cold these days. Any book suggestions? xo